
"Slap May Be Just What Child Needs" in Courage to Grow by Hyde School founder Joe Gauld

Slap May Be Just What Child Needs by Hyde School founder and then-headmaster Joe Gauld. Originally published in Maine Sunday Telegram's column "Courage to Grow", July 8th, 1973. ________________ Should you ever slap a kid? How about a man teacher slapping a girl student? I think the place of such "physical" education in American childrearing is badly misunderstood. Most people who hit kids do it for the wrong reasons - like out of their own frustrations. Most people who don't hit kids, don't do it for the wrong reasons - like out of mistaken compassion. "Spanking", at best, has a mixed acceptance in our society, but slapping a kid is definitely out. As one educator recently said to me: "If I had to hit a kid to get the message across, I would consider myself a failure." Yet, with this seemingly "Christian" attitude in raising kids, assaults, rapes and murders mark us as the most violent society in the world today. We do seem...

"Are Blacks and Whites Really Equal?" aka "The Black 'I.Q.'" in Courage to Grow by Hyde founder Joe Gauld. Warning: Racism

Content warning: RACISM Posted for informational/FAIR USE purposes only. We do NOT agree with this “column,” and we support racial justice, dismantling systemic racism, and the Black Lives Matter movement. We hope Joe Gauld’s views and opinions about racial oppression and equality have evolved significantly since he wrote this, and we hope the opinions of his son Malcolm Gauld, and daughter in law Laura Gauld, who currently run and profit from Hyde School, are far more evolved. As far as we know, he has never issued a redaction, update, or apology. He still references this column as something he is proud of in his books and on the  Biggest Job website .   _________________________ Are Blacks and Whites Really Equal? Maine Sunday Telegram column "Courage to Grow" October 21, 1973 by Joe Gauld, Hyde School Founder and then-headmaster. Entry later renamed "The Black IQ" for the Courage to Grow, the book .  It’s hard to write a column on a subject that has been a battle...

Excerpt from UNREQUITED TIME, James McCurrach

Excerpt from UNREQUITED TIME, James McCurrach Jim finally overstepped the boundaries on the bus ride home for the Thanksgiving break in 1977. He brazenly lit up a marijuana cigarette in full view of a bus full of students in the middle of the day. Totally foolish, of course, but also unnecessary in that within only a few hours he would have been out of the school jurisdiction and in the safety of his own home. Leniency wasn't going to work in to this instance- especially since he had already had several warning related to circumstantial situations. This time he had gone too far and was terminated from Berkshire. ...Whatever, young James now required even more serious attention since Berkshire had become ancient history. I was ashamed of him as well as myself.. I needed to get Jim relocated as quickly as possible without, hopefully, making wrong move. Eventually, I heeded the advice of some experienced educational people and we later settled on the Hyde School located in remote part...


FINDING THE RIGHT SCHOOL: LESSONS LEARNED FROM “INSIDE” Rick Reamer and Deborah Siegel Pawtucket, RI Parents of struggling teens typically agonize about finding the “right” school or program. They sort through mounds of data – from educational consultants, school directories, pamphlets, promotional videos, websites, campus visits and conversations with school staff – before settling on what they hope is the right choice. We’ve been there. During the spring of 2003, we spent countless hours combing through every morsel of information we could find about an overwhelming array of school options. We knew our child did not need a therapeutic boarding school. We simply needed a school that offered structure; consistent, humane supervision; a positive peer culture; constructive emphasis on personal accountability and integrity; and a willingness to collaborate collegially with parents. We did not seek perfection, realizing that those who do will always be disappointed. We foll...

Report Hyde School - Instructions

Hyde is accredited by NEASC. Contact them with complaints: . From SCIAD/Unsilenced  Facility Reporting Map PROGRAM NAME Hyde School FACILITY ADDRESS 616 High St, Bath, ME 04530 STATE ME TELEPHONE (207) 443-5584 STATE LICENSE REPORTING and REPORT CHILD ABUSE 1-800-452-1999 REPORT HIPAA VIOLATION (violating patient health care privacy laws - it's a violation for any licensed health care professional - including a nurse, counselor, psychologist, or a social worker - to share any health information without your explicit consent with anyone. Not your family, not your discovery group leader - NO ONE MAY BE TOLD YOUR MENTAL OR PHYSICAL HEALTH INFORMATION BY A HEALTH CARE PROVIDER WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT)

2 reviews of "The Biggest Job"

This book paints an appealing image of an enlightened high school that involves the whole family in developing positive character traits. We do not doubt the authors' sincerity, genuine enthusiasm for, and commitment to the Hyde Schools. Clearly, these authors are eager to spread the good word. However, our actual experience as parents of a Hyde School (in Woodstock, Conn.) student showed us that the practices and policies used to teach "character" often, paradoxically, violate the noble principles articulated in this book and espoused at the school. In our view, it is ironic that a school whose mission is character education is misrepresented in this book, which provides a misleading, partial picture of the Hyde we experienced. Also, it's unfortunate that this book on education, written by educators, does not explicitly refer to the research and theoretical literature on effective behavior management, adolescent development, and education; much of this literature que...

Recent survivor testimony

 Survivor testimony: I went through hell at Hyde. Of course right when you get there your parents basically have to sign your rights away. So they can’t get sued. First of all, I wasn’t a kid that went there because there parents sent me there; I went willingly. When I visited, I thought it was a regular old prep school. I had no idea what was really going on. I wanted to get out of my old school because my friends were selling drugs and there was violence, and I wanted a healthy environment, so I thought Hyde was my way out where I could play sports and not be around so much danger. So when I got there, I was in for a big shock. The dorms were absolutely out of control. When I mean out of control I mean fight clubs at night like real deal MMA with no gloves, beating the absolute crap out of each other. There was one time when Hyde’s champion wrestler got drunk and beat up 8 kids in my dorm…. We came in for breakfast the next morning and there were multiple kids with black eyes and...