
Complaint from Hyde student wanting to withdraw

From Fornits Hello, I am new to this board. I found this board after I realized Hyde(Woodstock) was not working for me, -- I AM a current student on their Woodstock campus. I also realize how risky it may be for me to come on this board, but I know my mom is going to struggle withdrawing me, and Hyde's manipulative ways. I can here a mere 4 weeks ago and already feel manipulated and lied to. When I came for a tour they seem to have put on a false front and this school is nothing what it seems. I was told this was a school for kids "who struggled, but were striving to get better" and trying move on in their life. I lost my father in February (14) of this year to cancer, and I struggled from there at home. I used to be a straight A student, but the sudden death of my father rocked my boat a little too hard and I lost my groove. I was struggling with simple tasks, and my mom thought a change of scenery would do me some good. She researched school, and was easily attracted t...

From an unhappy former Hyde parent

I don't know where to begin. So happy our son is out of that place!! The arrogance, verbal abuse, poor supervision, and the most dysfunctional cast of characters that they call a staff. If your child has a mental health issue, substance abuse issue, learning disability, or just low self esteem, they will not improve here. The campus is rife with drugs - prescription and otherwise and some students are prone to violent outbursts. They idea of discipline is forced labor and humiliation through meetings with faculty where they verbally abuse, embarrass, and degrade students. The FLC meetings are a joke, not to mention they expect you to go to parent group meetings in your area. They aren't concerned with the fact that you have other children, a job, or other important commitments. My parent group leader divulged very personal graphic issues of her strained marriage in our first meeting!! Its a cult atmosphere and the staff does not take criticism well at all. This idea ...

HYDE School: Follow Your Own Advice and Heal Thyself: HYDE School: Follow Your Own Advice and Heal Thyself

  HYDE School: Follow Your Own Advice and Heal Thyself A Former Hyde Parents' Review. Original post Our family has now been affiliated with Hyde for several years.  It has taken us some time to figure out Hyde's true colors.  We started Hyde in earnest.  We were not in a true state of crisis, although we had some concerns about our child's path.  Our child enrolled in Summer Challenge which, overall, seemed to be a rather benign experience (with the exception of a couple of group seminars where, clearly, the group facilitators were in over their heads when a couple of parents disclosed some incredibly powerful, sensitive, and provocative information in front of their children and the rest of us -- it was painful to watch and hear the staff's inept handling of the situations). Our child then started Hyde in September of that year.  Initially we bought into the program and attended all meetings (regional, FLCs) faithfully.  We gave it our best shot as we...

HYDE School: Follow Your Own Advice and Heal Thyself

HYDE School: Follow Your Own Advice and Heal Thyself A Former Hyde Parents' Review. Original post Our family has now been affiliated with Hyde for several years.  It has taken us some time to figure out Hyde's true colors.  We started Hyde in earnest.  We were not in a true state of crisis, although we had some concerns about our child's path.  Our child enrolled in Summer Challenge which, overall, seemed to be a rather benign experience (with the exception of a couple of group seminars where, clearly, the group facilitators were in over their heads when a couple of parents disclosed some incredibly powerful, sensitive, and provocative information in front of their children and the rest of us -- it was painful to watch and hear the staff's inept handling of the situations). Our child then started Hyde in September of that year.  Initially we bought into the program and attended all meetings (regional, FLCs) faithfully.  We gave it our best shot as we embrac...


  CONDITIONS FOR MIND CONTROL DR. MARGARET SINGER (Margaret T. Singer, Ph.D., Emeritus Prof. of Psychology, Univ. of CA, Berkeley) THOUGHT REFORM = LANGUAGE + SOCIAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL INFLUENCE In a thought reform program: the self concept is destabilized the group/leaders attack one's evaluation of self SELF: 2 Elements in one's self-concept Peripheral Sense: adequacy of public & judgmental aspects, social status, role performance, conformity to social norms Central Sense of Self: adequacy of intimate life, confidence in perception of reality, relations w/family, goals, sexual experiences, traumatic life events, religious beliefs, basic consciousness and emotional control When you attack a person's self-concept, aversive emotional arousal is created 6 CONDITIONS THAT NEED TO BE PRESENT IN ORDER TO CONSTITUTE MIND CONTROL: 1. CONTROL OVER TIME Especially thinking time Use techniques ...

"Slap May Be Just What Child Needs" in Courage to Grow by Hyde School founder Joe Gauld

Slap May Be Just What Child Needs by Hyde School founder and then-headmaster Joe Gauld. Originally published in Maine Sunday Telegram's column "Courage to Grow", July 8th, 1973. ________________ Should you ever slap a kid? How about a man teacher slapping a girl student? I think the place of such "physical" education in American childrearing is badly misunderstood. Most people who hit kids do it for the wrong reasons - like out of their own frustrations. Most people who don't hit kids, don't do it for the wrong reasons - like out of mistaken compassion. "Spanking", at best, has a mixed acceptance in our society, but slapping a kid is definitely out. As one educator recently said to me: "If I had to hit a kid to get the message across, I would consider myself a failure." Yet, with this seemingly "Christian" attitude in raising kids, assaults, rapes and murders mark us as the most violent society in the world today. We do seem...

"Are Blacks and Whites Really Equal?" aka "The Black 'I.Q.'" in Courage to Grow by Hyde founder Joe Gauld. Warning: Racism

Content warning: RACISM Posted for informational/FAIR USE purposes only. We do NOT agree with this “column,” and we support racial justice, dismantling systemic racism, and the Black Lives Matter movement. We hope Joe Gauld’s views and opinions about racial oppression and equality have evolved significantly since he wrote this, and we hope the opinions of his son Malcolm Gauld, and daughter in law Laura Gauld, who currently run and profit from Hyde School, are far more evolved. As far as we know, he has never issued a redaction, update, or apology. He still references this column as something he is proud of in his books and on the  Biggest Job website .   _________________________ Are Blacks and Whites Really Equal? Maine Sunday Telegram column "Courage to Grow" October 21, 1973 by Joe Gauld, Hyde School Founder and then-headmaster. Entry later renamed "The Black IQ" for the Courage to Grow, the book .  It’s hard to write a column on a subject that has been a battle...